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tv   ABC7 News 500AM  ABC  March 23, 2013 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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just moments after the shooting. again, three people now in the hospital. shooters still on the lose after a nightclub shooting here in san francisco. reporting live in san francisco, kira klapper, abc7 news. >> kira, thank you. we have more breaking news. arson investigators are trying to determine the cause of a restaurant fire in san francisco's financial district early this morning. firefighters were called out just before 3:00 this morning to 7 pleasures california grill on commercial street. they were quickly able to extinguish the flames there. but one firefighter was hurt and taken to the hospital with minor injuries. in castro valley, alameda county deputies shot a parolee after they say he pointed a rifle at them. they shot the 49-year-old man in the driveway of his hands around 7:30 last night. he was reported to be in surgery at eden medical center at last check. the man's family officially called 911 to report he was acting erratically and arguing
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with a neighbor and then the parolee himself called 911 and threatened to kill arriving deputies. developing news in san jose where police continue to look for a killer. the man stabbed a woman to death yesterday afternoon just a few blocks from the santa clara county sheriff's office. we have more from north first street. >> the brutal stabbing happened in broad date just after 2:30 in the afternoon in the parking lot next to the togo sandwich shop. matt was eating lunch when he heard a commotion and ran out to help the woman slashed on her neck and arms. >> i held her head up and kept pressure on t i said who did this, can you give me a name, any name? and he couldn't really talk. >> he, too, was covered in blood when the paramedics arrived. >> i feel it was horrible for her to have to die that way, and i hope by me being there maybe it wasn't as bad way to die. >> he walked to north second
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street where he was doing handiwork and had to convince police he was not the killer. police say the real culprit hopped the fence and ran through this neighborhood where detectives found blood in front of some homes. the detectives came by and circles where the blood things are. we've been told to stay in our house with our doors and windows locked. we aren't even allowed to come out to our front yard. >> people went door to door to check garages and other possible hiding places. after several hours they scaled back the search. police are trying to figure out what led up to the attack. >> the male suspect approached our female victim. there was some type of conduct. we don't know if there was conversation, if they knew each other, what the connection was but during the contact the male suspect stabbed the female victims multiple times. >> the woman who was kept inside the house told abc news that the police said they did know who they were looking for after the killing. >> to that end we have an update
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this morning. san jose police are calling it a domestic murder. they believe the suspect, juan ramirez, may be trying to escape to mexico had a dark green 1996 toyota t-100 pickup truck. san francisco police officers had a close call last night after a suspected drunk driver almost ran into them. officers were called out to an argument on mission street just north of interstate 280 when a suspected drunk driver rammed into their parked squad car. that set off a chain reaction crash that damaged another car. the woman behind the wheel was taken into custody and all of the officers are okay. authorities in santa cruz county are looking for this jail inmate who tricked a guard into releasing him. 35-year-old jesse warren parsons posted -- posed as another inmate with a similar name and physical description and then he was inadvertently released from custody yesterday. he was arrested earlier this week for several outstanding warrants.
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if you spot parsons, you are asked to call 911. a long-time bay area youth baseball coach accused of molesting a young player and secretly videotaping another is out on bail. the 52-year-old man posted bond yesterday afternoon and was released from the martinez county jail. he surrendered to authorities at 11:00 a.m. the charges date back 8 years and there may be more victims. school officials and detectives are investigating what caused five students at martin luther king middle school in hayward to get sick after eating brownies. it happened around 10:30 yesterday morning. the five students were evaluated by firefighters and none of them had to be taken to the hospital. police say they do not know what was in those brownies. a 27-year-old man from vietnam is in san francisco this weekend hoping to save his little brother's life. he's a rare donor match for the five-year-old boy who he hasn't seen since he was adopted.
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abc7 news reporter sergio quinntano brings us the story. >> collin is happen to be the first to greet him at the airport. collin was 14 months old when was he adopted but it's clear from the big smile on his big brother's face, he still remembers little collin. the 27-year-old man lived in a remote community in north vietnam. this is his first intercontinental flight and his first time in the united states. he's here because owes a one in a million match as a bone marrow donor for little collin who suffers from aplastic anemia, a life-threatening disease. >> you are saving collin's life. >> he's giving collin one chance to have a normal life. can't thank him enough. i don't know how you thank somebody for that. >> collin's adoptive parents kept in contact with his birth family in vietnam. when the five-year-old was
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diagnosed, they were lucky big brother tho as a perfect match. he shared pictures of his son. >> that's your nephew. >> in the process of making arrangements for tho to come to the u.s. to be a donor, the mcfaddens learned his son was suffering from an infection and needed a $600 operation. the mcfadens were all too happy to help. >> he's very well. after two months he went back to school. >> tho will be in the u.s. for a month for the transplant process. the process for collin will be much more involved and take a few months. >> the mcfadens will be in the bay area for a few months as collin goes through the transplant procedure at children's hospital in oakland. they live in nevada. donating bone marrow is not as intrusive as it used to be. most are called pbsc which calls
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for peripheral blood stem cells and it's just like giving blood. if you would like to register as a potential donor we have a link on our website in see it on tv. lisa argen is keeping track of the forecast. what is in store yesterday? gorgeous. >> yes. are we tired of it yet? >> no. >> good. we will keep it coming. it's clear out there. here's a look from the suit tremendous camera. temperatures have dropped into the upper 30s in the north bay but no fog to speak up. that means a nice warmup. we still have spring break going on. we will talk about that when we return. >> thanks, lisa. and talk about the being star struck. people on the east coast were treated to a show in the night sky, and it is caught on video. plus the smartphone that started it all is back with a new model. it all is back with a new model. but is it enough in this redlet:
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[ all ] who's new in the fridge! our mystery guest: ensure complete... you support bones? [ ding! ] i've got calcium and vitamin d. oh! immune system. [ ding! ] one word: antioxidants. heart health? [ ding! ] my omega 3s never skip a beat. how 'bout muscles? [ ding! ] i have protein and revigor to protect, preserve, and promote muscle health. [ ding! ding! ding! ] that's a winner! ensure complete! [ female announcer ] the four-in-one nutrition of ensure complete. a simple choice to help you eat right. [ major nutrition ] ensure complete. nutrition in charge.
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>> this morning people on the east coast are buzzing over a possible meteor shower that lit up the sky last night. this bright flash was seen streaking along the eastern seaboard. people from new england to florida were tweeting almost
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nonstop with it. here's some video. watch the left side of your screen. this video was captured in baltimore. a spokesman with the american meteor society said the flash is consistent with a meteor shower. they say they fielded calls hundreds every hour from people who were watching the show. remember blackberry? well, the brand that used to make everybody's must-have cell phone list is launching a new cell phone. and the buzz about the blackberry z10 is pretty good. but even with impressive technical stats, jonathan bloom said blackberry is facing an up-hill battle. >> beneath his slick sport coat and hair, university professor andrew is hiding something that's not so stylish. >> i have a blackberry and it's a little embarrassing. >> trapped in the final months of a two-year contract, he's watched all his friends trade up to an apple or samsung. they ask why do you still have a
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blackberry? >> the phone that started it all now accounts for just 2% of the market and blackberry is determined to change that. >> we are used to competition now. we have to innovate and get better. that's why we launched this platform. >> the z10 looks an awful lot like its touch screen competitors and it's getting good reviews. >> i like it. i think they have done good job with certain aspects of the phone. it feels comfortable in the hands and they have done a nice job with the camera. >> she was enthusiastic about the touch keyboard and camera and the online store full of appears. who wants a phone without angry birds? >> the question remains is a simple one. is it enough to save the company? >> right now i think they are just trying to prove that they are not dead. >> are they? >> they aren't dead yet. >> blackberry has no shortage of former users. >> my old blackberry wouldn't work in my own house, where this
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phone does. >> what would it take for blackberry to win you back? >> i don't know if that's possible. >> he said it's not likely people who left them will come back. but blackberry 10 might be a hit with the current user and a start for a slow turnaround for the company, though it's a turnaround some users won't stick around to see. >> what will blackberry have to do to keep you when your contract is up. >> they would have to merge with apple. >> jonathan bloom, abc7 news. >> it's the end of an e.r.a. golden gate bridge is going to an all-tron eck follow system next week. mark your calendar. no coins no, cash, no follow takers. drivers have three way to pay their follow, a fast track account, a license plate account or buy a one-time payment at a kiosk or if you don't do anything look for a bill in the mail. >> each time you cross you get a
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follow invoices. however, if you continue to cross without doing anything, it goes into a monthly bill cycle. so we want to caution people to know that, that there will be a bill. if it's not paid on time, you become a follow violater. >> they are also upping the speed limit through the follow plaza to 25. the first day without follow takers is next wednesday. >> look for road closures tomorrow morning. northbound 880 between hagen barry receipt and hagen avenue will be closed from one to six. drivers will follow a dedoor that will get them back on the agreeing at 66 avenue. it's part of construction for a shuttle bridge that will eventually link bart and the oakland airport. this is time-lapse video from bart of the work on the bridge last weekend. the project should be finished by the end of the year. the airport connector will be open for service in late 2014. tonight the lights will go
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out on landmark buildings around the globe for earth hour. places like san francisco's city hall will turn out the lights for one hour to raise awareness about the environmental impact humans have on the planet. earth hour has become the world's largest voluntary environmental action and san francisco is the u.s. capital city for the event. it was selected from 29 decision that were participating in the world wildlife foundation's earth hour challenge. the city was awarded a $30,000 grant to promote renewable energy. all right. no one be nervous when the lights go out for an hour this evening. weather-wise what can we expect today? >> nice and clear out there. the northerly winds pushing the fog away. we are looking for another mild to warm afternoon. as we head out to first weekend of spring, shaping up to the very seasonal. in fact, this morning with the sun coming up 7:08, we will see plenty of that. 7:25 it sets. 12 hours and 60 minutes of day
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light. this is the way it will stay for the next couple days but things could be changing. here's a look from the emeryville camera. you will notice it is pretty clear out there but the camera shaking in some spots. napa 48. numbers really beginning to drop with the lower due points and the clear sky. 51 out toward fairfield with 42 livermore, 43 hayward ask los gatos. and from the sutro camera, nice vantage point with the clear conditions, 49 this the city and 46 san carlos, 44 san jose and low 40s in santa cruz. so our forecast then our high lights, clear and cool this morning with a sunny and mild conditions throughout today and tomorrow. then we will see some changes as we head toward the beginning of the work week. spring break for some and we are look at a couple weather systems that could offer us just a slight chance of showers. but right now the alignment
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stays pretty much the same with high pressure off the coast, low pressure to the east and that sets up the pressure gradient for the breezy conditions. but overall we will look at the dry pattern. certainly into monday. by tuesday maybe a couple changes with the possibility of a few light raindrops and actually there's a few systems that could offer us those rain chances right on through the end of the upcoming work week. so to go through the rest of the weekend, plenty ever sunshine, occasional high clouds from time to time and temperatures pretty nice out there. we will be cool at our coast with the winds continuing to ramp up with highs from the upper 50s to about 60. 60 monterey. look for mid-70s from fresno into los angeles. low 80ths in palm springs. low 60s in yosemite with near 50 degrees in the northern sierra. back home high temperatures ranging from 70 in san jose, upper 60s sunnyvale. breezy from time to time to windy. mill pray 54.
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65 along the coast and around san francisco low 60s. should be a nice sunny afternoon. cool, though, with the sunset with only upper 50s there u head on up to the north bay and you will notice about 70 in napa. the windy conditions at our coast and near east bay. upper 60s oakland and fremont. you head out to the delta, it's been breezy there from pittsburgh to livermore. 70. nice afternoon in pleasanton at 69. here's the accuweather forecast. notice the upper 60s around the bay, 50s at the coast. by monday more clouds will keep it kind of mid-level clouds on tuesday. slight chance of showers wednesday, thursday and friday but not even talking rain amounts because the chance of showers is pretty slim. so abc7 news is another great weather resource for you. follow live doppler 7hd on twitter for the latest weather conditions rain or shine, plus
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get video forecasts, weather tweets from your favorite weather team. we will try to get some rain in here. it might be some work. >> there's only so you have much you can do. >> thanks, lisa. coming up next, a famous piece of art. why it's been taken down
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welcome back, everyone. wine lovers will have to dig a little deeper into their pocketbook to enjoy the best
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cabernets from napa valley. that's the word from the vicinityners who presented their spring outlook yesterday. they said demand for the wine is up and it should increase prices about 8% over last year. there's excitement but also concern in wine country. laura anthony explains it has to do with the upcoming growing season. >> napa valley wine growers and their customers are ready to pull the cork on a new season. one they hope is abundant in quantity and more importantly quality. >> spring break is here and that's exciting because that's the beginning of the 2013 growing season in the vineyards. >> it hasn't broken yet. when the bud breaks you will get a shoot. >> the dry winter has been a blessing and the potential curse tore napa valley wine growers. here in selina the buds are swelling about two weeks early and the workers are out pruning and tieing the vines. >> we've had relatively dry 2013
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which tells the plants it's time to get going and start getting the buds swelling up and the shoots starting to break forward. >> thanks to a wet early season water supply shouldn't be a big issue this year. a worry is frost. >> that's a concern, especially if we have the bud swelling and the bud break happening as well. that can damage the crop. >> but with the traditional weather stations and high-tech monitoring systems, growers say they will get plenty of warning. the new growing season comes as the napa valley begins a massive replanting that usually comes every two decades. >> one hopes when you plant a vineyard that it will stay in the ground and be productive for 20, 25 years. napa valley grapes are in high demand. the cabernet is in high demand. at lot of taking advantage to up date to modern technology. it's an exciting time. >> the last year 2012 brought a record crush.
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that means if the pattern holds this year, the harvest might be smaller but of course what counts in this business is the quality, not the quantity. in st. helena, laura anthony, abc7 news. >> check out what you will see as you ride the escalator to the bottom level at macy's in union square. it's a giant elephant and it's part of the annual flower show. something else special, there are several watercolors for sale. they depict flowers from golden gate park aids memorial grove. money from the sale of the paintings will be donated to the grove. the flower sale continues until april 7th. a familiar and legendary work of art that has come to define san francisco's palace hotel is no more. max feel's huge pied piper painting that has graced the bar for more than a century has been taken down and it will be sold at auction in a couple months. sheridan, who now owns the palace, say it's not practice to have the iconic work displayed
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in such a public area. the hotel hopes the auction will bring this between $3 million and $5 million. coming up next, the senate passes its first budget in four years. why the plan will likely bring more debate this summer in washington. >> plus a friday night turned into a frightening night for people at a san francisco nightclub where three men were shot. i'm kira klapper live outside of 330 rich in sell ma where investigators are still collecting evidence. i'll have the latest when
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>> welcome back, everyone. good morning and thanks for joining us. it's 5:30 and we are starting off this half-hour with a quick look at the weather. here's meteorologist lisa argen. >> good morning, everyone. this is emeryville. looking back at the city you can see all the twinkling lights and that's because the skies are so clear. we are talking about the chilly numbers, especially in the north bay, dropping into the upper 0s right now in santa rosa and napa. the next couple hours we will have some cool 30s. otherwise mainly in the 40s to near 50 by san francisco. by the afternoon it will get breezy at the coast in the high 50s but the high temperatures will range into the lower 70s. once again mild to warm around the bay. through the evening hours with breeze city winds in the high elevations we are staying clear. it looks to be another mild
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night. how long can this pattern last? it is the first weekend of spring. i'll detail the rest of the weekend, the look ahead coming up. katie. >> thanks, lisa. and we want to take you back to the breaking news we brought you at the top of the hour. abc7 news reporter kira klapper is live at the scene of a nightclub shooting in san francisco. three people were shot. kira, how serious are the injuries? >> katie, one of the victims is in serious condition, critical condition, rather. two victims have none life-threatening injuries. they are all being treated at the hospital. let's get you to the video right after the shooting just about 1:15 this morning at 330 rich nightclub. witnesses tell us it was a very scary scene. they say it started as a fight in the club. shots were fired into the air. everyone in the club panicked. everyone was trying to get out. one victim said there was another round of shots, a set of creams, complete and putter pandemonium. then the gun fight made it across the street into the
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parking lot where anywhere from 30 to 40 shots were fired. cars were hit. at least three people were hit. listen to one of the witnesses, what he told me when i asked what could have triggered someone to shoot. >> i could sense the tension inside. just, i don't know, people were being drunk. i don't know. there were some people bumping into each other. any little thing like that could start a fight. difference in opinion, you know what i mean? someone might step on their shoe and take it the wrong way. any little thing in this area can really escalate really quickly. the shooter sped away after the gun battle in the parking lot but there are multiple surveillance cameras outside the club. nightclub management and police are reviewing the footage for information about the shooters. meanwhile here at brandon and rich they are still collecting information, still investigating the scene behind me. there's a parking lot directly to my left where they are still investigating. there are people who were in the club more than four hours ago whose cars are inside that fence.
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they still can't get out. they still can't go home. they are sitting right behind our camera just waiting. again, they have to wait for this scene to be cleared before they can go home for the night and get in their cars and finally go home. reporting live in san francisco, kira klapper, abc7 news. all right, kira, thank you for that. santa clara county is planning a second buy-back event today after the last one netted more than 1100 firearms. the anonymous buy back will be held from eight to noon at the reid hill view airport on cunningham avenue. the county is using leftover money from an earlier erin to fund this one. authorities will pay up to $100 for each handgun, shotgun and rifle and $200 for assault weapons. no questions asked. new this morning, president obama is closing out his four-day trip in the middle east in jordan. he just boarded air force one just a few minutes ago. he's headed for petra. he will be during that area. his trip has strengthened u.s. bonds with israel but it's also
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left some palestinians angry. they apresident obama is playing favorites and he needs to more strongly condemn israel's settlements on palestinian land. in his weekly address he's calling on congress to focus on three gun measures that would ban some assault weapons. >> these ideas shouldn't be controversy. common sense. they are supported by a majority of the american people and i urge the senate and the house to give each of them a vote. >> the republicans, the budget -- >> senator mike lee of utah gave the republican rebuttal saying the budget proposed by senate democrats raises taxes by $1.5 trillion without saving entitlements. also new this morning, around 4:00 the senate passed its first budget in four years. approving a $3.7 billion spending plan for next year. the 50 to 49 vote ended a
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grueling all-night debate. no republican voted for the package. it sets up contentious negotiation was the republican-dominated house in april to reconcile two vastly different plans for dealing with the deficit. the senate version calls for spending $100 billion on infrastructure to help create jobs. the house version calls for deep cuts in domestic spending to balance the budget by 2023. the california department of education is expanding its list of recommended reading for kindergarten through twelve grade and it includes newly published works dealing with sexual identity issues. here's abc7 news capital correspondent nannette miranda in sacramento with the story. as summer nears, educators want to keep kids reading. the california department of education just updated its list of more than 7,800 recommended books. meant to prepare students for college and the ever-changing
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world. included for the first time are winners of the stone wall book award which recognizes lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender literature. >> it's good to teach kids that everyone is different and we are all people and we can all be accepted for who we are. i think it's great to see those books being recommended. >> the books are recommended according to age. from young kids activity books celebrating gay rights leader harvey mills to books for older kids like i am jay, and totally joe, telling about a boy coming out. >> there's a full-scale war, a sexual war. >> social conservatives are appalled. they say such topics promoting alternative lifestyles have no place on the state's official reading list. >> your children are not being taught vigorous academics or critical thinking. they are being sought social engineering that will hurt them physically and emotionally. >> the new book titles are
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recommended, not mandatory. the state insists they were not chosen because of their lgbt themes. >> it's not based on the content at all, actually. mostly it's based on the quality of the literature. it could be fix, biography and poetry. >> we hope they actually get excited about reading and writing. >> i've seen the activity book and it doesn't really make a big deal over harvey mill's sexual orientation. eaves a guy that set up for everyone. >> the list also includes newly published works on immigration. such as a book that talks about the reasons why people come to the u.s. illegally. in sacramento, nannette miranda, abc7 news. vallejo police are asking for the public's help for finding a man who assaulted a woman last sunday afternoon on a park trail. investigators have released a sketch of the man who grabbed the woman on one of the trails at the park. he came up from behind and choked her and tried to drag her into a nearby creekbed.
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she fought back and managed to escape. police readvised his description. they say he's 5'4" and about 210 pounds. they previously said he was 5'10". the man was last seen driving away in a two-door abc news extra entering gra with gray primer on the bumper and fender area. there was ten thousand dollars in damage to downtown martinez yesterday morning. there was a graffiti spree. it may now have to be close today allow public works crews to clean up the mess. they also tagged buildings in waterfront park. coming up next, finding the right job. the new service that claims to streamline the application process for job seekers and companies looking to hire. let's take a live look out from the sutro cam. you are looking over the east bay. 48 degrees in oakland right now but it is going to warm up, up
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into the upper 60s and be a nice, sunny day for everyone. lisa argen will have your full forecast comin [ male announcer ] pillsbury grands biscuits. delicious. but say i press a few out flat... add some beef sloppy joe sauce... and cheese fold it all up and boom! i just made an unbeatable unsloppy joe pillsbury grands biscuits. let the making begin. [ malcrrkkhshziiiizzlllee. to this symphony of flavor: beautiful. shhhhshshshshhshshhhhhsshhhshs. gorgeous! here comes the crescendo. kkerrrrbbuuuuuucraaackkk. just...incredible. pillsbury toaster strudel. if beethoven made breakfast.
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>> there are sites to match people for dates so why not a process to match people with jobs. it's based on a mathematical algorithm. david louie introduces us to brite. >> it's a universal complaint among job seekers. >> i put out at least five or six resumes a week. >> do you ever hear back from them. >> most of the time i do not. >> this era of applying for jobs online has created climate of frustration for the plants and too many application force the employer to review. >> they are check boxes the jobs they want to apply for and applying to thousands of jobs. >> steve believes he has a solution. the site developed an algorithm that evaluates your resume and produces a score employers use to identify candidates to interview. >> over 2 million resumes, 8.5 million job seekers, 20 million job descriptions, about 75,000 man hours in development and it took us about a year and a half to get there.
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>> they indicate the more people who use the service, the more abc news democrat it will -- the more accurate it will be. the employer pays, not the job seeker. clarissa is using for the first time. but as an older worker she was taken aback when asked for her graduation year and level of education. >> they can't discriminate upon your age or education. >> the ceo said plants don't need to worry. >> the algorithm doesn't look at that data, only the meat or the core of the resume so you don't have to look at human bias on the resume. >> bright does have strengths and weaknesses. >> a tech nation in the bay area will score well in the bay area. other areas, agriculture, it won't perform as well because we don't have a ton of jobs on the site for that. >> they might be taking search on a job search.
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abc7 news. lisa argen has a look at the forecast for us coming up. but give us a little tees. >> all right. we are looking at the clear sky right now. no fog to worry about. and the winds will be with us, but only partially. right now the warmest temperature here upper 40s san francisco. we are in the 30s in the north bay. we will talk about your first weekend of spring and if it will lift into the week ahead, which includes spring break for some folks. we will have that for you coming up. >> thanks, lisa. the weather looking better than the bracket. a bracket blowup. a cinderella taking down the mighty georgetown hoyas in the ncaa tournament. ncaa tournament. we [ woman ] don't forget the yard work! okay. [ male announcer ] with citibank's popmoney, dan can easily send money by email right from his citibank account. nice job ben. [ male announcer ] next up, the gutters. citibank popmoney. easier banking. standard at citibank.
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has oats that can help lower cholesterol? and it tastes good? sure does! ♪ wow. [ buzz ] delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? bee happy. bee healthy. with clusters of flakes and o's. oh, ho ho... it's the honey sweetness. i...i mean,
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to deposit checks from anywhere. [ wind howling ]
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easier than actually going to the bank. mobile check deposit. easier banking. standard at citibank. >> welcome back. it's 5:47. lisa argen in with the weather and it's a good one. >> it is. >> if you like nice weather >> i know. if you are hoping for the rain or even mountain snow, there's just a tiny chance of rain in the seven-day outlook, but a couple of opportunities. as we check out live doppler 7hd this morning, plenty of things going on around the bay. with the eighth annual mud run down in monterey. also the santa clara paddle fest continues. paddleboard racing down that way. and a couple easter events as well with easter just a week away. so no precip or moisture being picked up, but we to have a couple of weak weather systems that will begin to invade the area or sort of flirt with
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northern california by the time we get back to work on monday. here's a look outside where you will notice from our emeryville camera looking nice and clear out there. temperatures have dropped 38 santa rosa, as well as napa. 51 by the delta with a little wind. that mixing allowing for the warmer air to stay put. 42 livermore, 43 los gatos and award. this vantage point from our sutro camera. very good visibility with upper 40s san francisco, 45 in oakland. 46 in san carlos with low 40s half moon bay and santa cruz. with all the clear sky, a few high clouds from time to time. it should be pretty chilly this morning. numbers ding to drop into the 30s until sunrise that is a couple hours, about an hour and a half from now and sunny and mild over the weekend. rain chances pushed back but the cloud cover will continue to increase as we head toward monday. here's high pressure as it continues to sit in the pacific. the alignment with the high here and the low there continues our
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breezy conditions from time to time. but more importantly, keeps us dry. today, tomorrow, and even monday as it begins to push a little bit further to the east. we will get a couple of weak systems that want to drop down from the north. that will increase the high clouds, especially on monday. but as we go through tomorrow, you will notice that with a few high clouds, we are still certainly very sunny out there. that allows for the wide range of temperatures from the upper 50s to some of the lower 70s that we've had around the bay. so back home looking at numbers across the state, a wide range with upper 40s in the sierra nevada. low 70s in sacramento. low 80s palm springs and about 60 with those northwest winds at the coast. closer to home from cupertino today, 70 there and gilroy. on the peninsula, a little breezy. 58 half moon bay. san francisco coming in near average at 62. upper 50s in the sunset with upper 60s closer to sonoma
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today, as well as calistoga. near east bay, 66 berkeley, 68 in fremont but we will get into the upper 60s and lower 70s toward antioch. over by brentwood today it should be a beautiful 71 degrees. so the difference between today and tomorrow, not much. maybe a couple degrees of warming with less wind and we will look for some higher clouds monday and tuesday. tuesday the temperatures begin to cool a bit and the opportunity of rain maybe wednesday and thursday but become a little more likely on friday. but that ridge just does not want to budge. >> all right, thank you, lisa. in sports today the cal bear take center stage with both the men's and women's basketball team playing in the ncaa tournament. this afternoon the second-seeded cal women play fresno state in texas. and tonight the 12th seeded cal men will try to advance to the sweet 16. bears take on fourth-seeded syracuse at hb pavilion. tipoff at 6:40. yesterday there was a rash of
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march madness and bracketbusterring. here's larry beil with the details in this morning's sports. >> good morning. part of the charm of the ncaa tournament is some little school that you couldn't find on a map slaying a giant. like 15-seed >> gulf coast knocking off mighty georgetown. gulf coast has only been in existence as a school since 1997. this is their first ncaa tournament appearance. eddy murray? yes! eagles in charge. florida in gulf coast in ft. myers open up the lead. the slam and the chase. the one-handed. oh, that is good stuff. and florida gulf coast, a sup set of the two seed georgetown, 78-68. here's a game that just crushed brackets everywhere. 12th seed led by marshall anderson shooting down five seed wisconsin. a lot of people thought the badgers would make a deep run. no, they are done. henderson has 17. stalking the court.
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ole miss stuns wisconsin. 57-46. they will meet lasalle next. ucla, one and done. clobbered by 11-seed minnesota. andre hollins had five threes in the game. minnesota up 11. any glimmer of hope for the bruins ends right there. joe coleman throwing down. minnesota a winner, 83-63. pacific coach bob retiring after 25 years. his tigers trying to take down the two-seed miami. good luck. they are too talented. shane drives and scores. miami up 21 at the break. duran scott, 5 of 8 from beyond the arc. had 21. miami moving on, 78-49 against uop and they will play illinois next. cal will face syracuse tonight in san jose. at stake is a spot in the sweet 16. the orange won their opening-round game 81-34 over missouri tigers. you heard the score right, 81-34. syracuse a perennial big east
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power, they are used to the big stage. but their coach worried about containing the pac-12 player of the year for cal, allen crab. >> their guards are really good. crab is a tremendous shooter. one of the better shooters in the country. their point guard made so many really big plays. that game would have gone the other way but he made some huge plays. >> in the nba, miami extends their winning streak up to 25 games now they beat the pistons, who are streaking in the other direction, they lost ten in a row. lebron 29 points. the last-place bobcats are up next for miami. oh, the weather outside was fright full. incredible scene for the usa-costa rica soccer world cub qualifier. played in a massive snowstorm in denver. they had to use a yellow and purple ball or they couldn't see it. dempsey was the only goal in the blizzard and the u.s. wins it,
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1-nil. that's a wrap on your sports highlights. have a great weekend, everybody. i'm larry beil. come up next, the san francisco zoo's newest addition. get excited and find out when this little sweetie tiger cub will make her first public
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>> the sea otters go on display today. they were removed in september while their tank was renovated but now kit, ivy, rosa and beginningity will be back in the public eye for everybody to see now that the $2 million tank project is complete. welcome back, ladies. get ready for oohs and awes as we show you this tiger cub. she's five weeks old and thriving under her mom's care. she will make her first public appearance today and tomorrow between one and three in the zoo's lion's house. she was born february 10th and just had her first exam by the zoo's veterinary staff. that's how they determined she was a also girl. they have not yet picked out her name. too cute. let's all go to the zoo. next at six, a #* 27-year-old man flies of a way around the
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world to save his little brother's life. and after a woman is fatally stabbed in san hoax hear from the people who tried to save
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>> good morning, everyone, it's 6:00 a.m. on this saturday morning. i'm indicate marzullo. we will throw you over to lisa argen to start off with a quick first look at the weather. >> good morning, katie. breezy winds the last couple days helping to keep the skies clear. here's a look from our sutro camera. we will talk about a beautiful first weekend of spring, which will feature plenty of sunshine. although this morning with numbers dropping into the upper 30s in the north bay, it's certainly cold. holding on to the 50s near san francisco and the delta. the afternoon, still chilly at our coast, upper 50s with
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lower 670s around the bay. and by the evening hours it should be a nice night but quickly cooling with those winds dying back. we will talk about how long the skies will stay fair. we have a few opportunities for rain coming up and i will have that for you with the seven-day outlook in a few minutes. katie. >> lisa, thank you. we have breaking news right now in san francisco. police are on the scene of a shooting at a nightclub. abc7 news reporter kira klapper is live at rich and bran nonstreets. kira, what's the latest? how many people are hurt out there? >> katie, police tell me three men were shot. they were hurt. they were all taken to the hospital. one with critical injuries, two with nonlife-threatening injuries. witnesses here say it was a very scary scene, that shooting. we have footage from right after it. it happened about 1:15 year at 330 rich nightclub. witnesses say it started as a fight in the club. shots were fired into the air. didn't hit anyone


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